Saturday, September 24, 2011



A bully is a person who torments kids by means of punching them with no valid reason, making fun of them, humiliate them in front of a huge crowd and do anything to hurt you physically or emotionally. Usually a bully is a boy; they have brawns but believe me they do not have brains at all or so I thought. The first time I have ever heard the word bully was when I was watching “MEAN GIRLS”. It is about a bunch of sexy fine young teens who tries their best to be popular and be mean to others. They would back fight them by putting their pictures in a pink book where they can say cruel stuff about their victim; they would lie to if they must just to have some juicy gossips about them.

Nowadays even in the internet we experience bullying. Yes, you can be bullied too through the internet it’s called “cyber bullying” and No, no hands are coming out from the computer screen to knock you out just to say that you’re being downtrodden. Bullying in the internet is quite different from the bullying you knew. In this kind of oppression, teens tend to say something nasty about you without holding back. Moreover, since the World Wide Web is open for everybody, you can change your name and intimidate someone without him or her knowing who you really are. Amazing is it not, who knew bullies could be such a genius and use the internet to spread their wickedness. These guys have brains, in fact they have huge brains. That is why; let us congratulate them for making us feel that we are browbeaten all the time. Let us congratulate them for making us feel that we cannot do anything good in this world, because they are so harsh and cruel that they are the only human being good enough to live.


The term "cyber bullying" was first coined and defined by Bill Belsey, as "the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behaviour by an individual or group that is intended to harm others." That is based on what I’ve read about the definition of cyber bullying on google.

Cyber bullying is as simple as stabbing someone at the back. Bullies tend to send-email to someone who has said they want no further contact with the sender, but it may also include threats, sexual remarks, pejorative labels, ganging up on victims by making them the subject of ridicule in forums, and posting false statements as fact aimed at humiliation.


The practice of cyber-bullying is not just only for little children and teens, while this behavior is

identified by the same definitions in adults, the difference in age groups is sometimees referred to as cyber stalking or cyber harassment. In this kind of oppression, cyber stalkers are to threaten a victim’s family, social life, employment, reputation or safety. This event takes place usually on social networking sites, cyber stalkers may record victims say and replay the recordings in a way that humiliates them. An adult will repeat this cycle against the target.


Cyber bullying is always present in social networks showing poor innocent youngsters no mercy by posting degrading messages in their inbox or sometime even worse. They could spread rumor through the internet of how horrendous you are, dumb people would believe this and they would start sending you bunch of lovely letters regarding the allegation. And when you open your account, you’ll be surprise to see your inbox almost full of scandalous notes about your past actions or whatever rumor is charged against you. This could affect your life because of the fact that people believed you did something wrong. They would look down to you with such disgust with their hypercritical eyes and as a result, you will be paranoid.

Many cases in social networking site that victims of cyber bullying or cyber harassments commits suicide. An example of this case is an Irish native Phoebe Prince who committed suicide in January 14 prior to her death, because it was believed that nine teenagers bullied her. Prince’s death has drawn significant attention to the panic surrounding cyber bullying, a factor initially thought to have been related to Pilkington’s suicide. A facebook group calling for the expulsion of “three girls” believed to have pushed Prince to take her life has over 23,000 members.


This is such an unhealthy activity especially for teens because they might get depressed

and most importantly affect their social life. A victim of this kind of mistreatment should not allow this issue to take over his or his life. It causes a great deal of humiliation and self-restraint on everything you do. Let us stand for ourselves and do not believe on whatever we see on the internet, because we know for ourselves that we haven’t done anything wrong. All we know is that we live our lives the way we wanted it to be and all those bullies out there trying to bring us down are just jealous of what we have. Never let those false rumors be the cause of your downfall, because if you do, then might as well be a bully yourself. If you cannot beat them join them, but since I don’t want to join then I shall beat them. Simple.

Aina Tolero

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